Guide to pet insurance in Spain focusing on cats and dogs as well as insuring other animals such as horses.
If you are considering buying a dog, cat or other animal you may want to find out how much pet insurance costs and where to get it from, in which read on and we will give you factual examples.
Perhaps you are also reading this article because you are planning on moving to Spain and you plan on bringing your pet to Spain?
Did you know?
Dog owners in Spain – NEW Legal requirements – Public Liability Insurance will become mandatory for all dog owners, no matter the breed starting September 2023
Online Quotes for Best Pet Insurance
If you would like a quote for pet insurance from our insurance broker partners, please fill in the ‘contact us back’ form below. Please note that the maximum age allowed is 6 years old and we can only quote for dogs or cats in Spain.
The legal/privacy bit we have to put in – Note that you are using this form to submit your details to us so we can then compare the market and give you options for pet insurance. Our privacy notice at the footer of our website lets you know how we use your data and how to request removal. You don’t need to do anything other than fill in your details and let our brokers do the rest.
If you are wanting a quote for either car or home insurances, then we have special forms for those:
Click here for an online quote for Spanish car insurance.
Click here for an online quote for home house insurance.
Click here for an online quote for motorbike insurance in Spain.
Is Pet Insurance Compulsory?
Most people do not take out cover or insurance for their pets in Spain which is surprising considering they are animal lovers who would regard their pets as part of the family.
When there is a need most people take their pets to the nearest veterinary clinic.
Pet insurance is also known as pet plans or pet care insurance.
Just like anywhere else this can be relatively expensive. Most pets in Spain will be dogs and cats but could also include horses (also known as equine insurance).
Most of us don’t hesitate to insure items that are valuable and important to us such as our house, car, even our life, so you would assume it would be logical to extend the same protection and care on our pets.
Many people are perhaps taking on a pet for the first time and they just don’t always understand the expenses that can be involved in keeping them aside from the day-to-day upkeep which of course is reasonably low.
Consider carefully the impact of having to go to the vets in Spain – possibly for urgent emergency treatment, maybe in extreme cases an operation.
Your pets life could literally be in your hands due to some unforeseen event. Insurance cover gives you peace of mind.
Is there a possibility you may not have the money to hand and you may be short of the necessary funds?
In this case taking out insurance cover in Spain is a worthwhile expense as premiums are relatively small.
Premiums are affordable and low cost for most and in case of an emergency you won’t have the stress of having to suddenly find the funds necessary or borrow money should something happen to your beloved pet.
Imagine the sad prospect of not having any insurance for your pets and being faced with the dilemma of a potentially large vet bill that might not be possible to pay or having to put your pet down.
As pets come to be considered part of the family this could be a very distressing situation especially if you have children who are very attached to their cat, dog or other pet.
Another issue is that of dangerous dogs. If your dog/canine attacks someone you could be liable to large losses. If you believe you could be at risk in this way, you really need to take out insurance to limit your potential liabilities.
Check your home insurance policy as under your clause for third-party liability you my find you are already covered for any damage your pets/animals cause.
How Much Are Vet Fees in Spain?
Vet costs in Spain are not as expensive as the UK but they are not exactly cheap either.
What Does It Cover?
Chiefly you would insure your pet in case they need medical treatment at a vets but you can also cover and protect them for accidental death which is a common cause of death as well as disappearance or even theft!
This may sound over the top but dogs especially can be expensive to purchase and so may well be worth insuring.
Note that some insurers offering pet insurance will not insure your pet depending on it’s age and medical condition.
You must disclose your pets previous medical history.
In the event of a claim being necessary some insurers will refuse to pay out if they suspect you failed to provide the full facts upon your application.
Clearly it is important to compare prices from the many providers and also it is a good idea to get quotes from insurance brokers who will shop around to get the lowest quote.
Often they have access to cheaper prices than if you approached insurance companies directly yourself.
• Cover up to €300,000 should your dog be involved in a fight with another animal.
• Cover up to €300,000 should your dog attack any person when not on your property.
• Cover up to €300,000 should your dog escape from your property and kill or injure a neighbours pet or livestock.
• Cover up to €300,000 should your dog escape from your property and damage another persons property.
• Cover up to €300,000 should your dog escape from your property or direct control and cause a road traffic accident.
How Much Does Pet Insurance Cost?
To give you an approximate idea, a policy to insure your cat in Spain costs about 150 euros for an annual premium.
To give you an approximate idea, a policy to insure your dog in Spain costs about 200 euros for an annual premium.
Real Life Example – A friend approached BMI Spain who quoted €120 for a years cat insurance and €175 for a years dog insurance giving medical and vet cover up to a value of €2000 which should be more than adequate for most people and their pets.
Tips To Find The Cheapest Quote
Remember that cheapest or the lowest does not necessarily equal the best or most sensible policy for your pet.
It is pointless paying an annual premium if it doesn’t cover the risks you want to insure against.
Here are a few of our favourite tips:
- Decide exactly what you wish to be covered for then get several quotes so you can compare like-for-like.
- Try an insurance broker as well as contacting insurance companies/providers directly. A broker may have access or insider knowledge that can get you the best deal. The key is to shop around, you can save a lot by putting in small amount of effort.
- Search online. Many Internet-only companies will have the cheapest pet insurance prices as they have lower overheads but do make sure you are dealing with a real/reputable company.
- See if there are any price comparison websites for pet insurance in Spain.
- A typical policy excess is €75 but if you opt for a higher excess (known in Spain as franquicia) you can reduce and lower your premiums. Let’s face it , most years you will not need to make a claim which really is a good thing. Just make sure you can always pay the excess amount however much it is.
- Pay your pet insurance yearly in one single payment. By paying annually instead of opting to pay by monthly instalments you save money because when you pay monthly premiums an amount of interest (usually a higher rate then the banks charge) is typically added.
Dog Insurance
If you have a dog in Spain and you have arranged to insure your dog then tell us who has insured your dog, at what price and any reviews, ratings or stories you may have about dog insurance.
As usual with an insurance policy – not just those issued in Spain – you need to check the small-print!
We bring to your attention the following:
Is there a limit to the number of times you can visit the vet before you are charged?
Does your dog insurance cover emergency home visits or operations? Basically – is the care available to your pet limited in anyway and are there limits to the claims you can make?
Does your policy include an amount for advertising if your pet is lost? Some policies even allocate an amount for a reward to increase the chances of finding your lost pet.
Some policies will cover the boarding costs of kennel or cattery fees if you or your partner have to go to hospital and cannot care for your animals.
Most companies offering dog and cat insurance will also be able to offer extended cover if you regularly travel out of Spain with your animals. This will usually cover loss of pet passport, health certificate as well as medical treatment.
For owners of Teacup Yorkies, our friends at have a whole site with advice and tips.
Also our friends for owners of Jug dogs: website about Jug Dogs –
Useful pet books:
Persian Cats
Shih Tzu
French Bulldogs
Maine Coons
We have recently quoted to insure an Andalusian Hound from a rescue shelter.
Exotic Pets
You may find it difficult to get insurance for exotic pets such as Scorpions, Snakes, Goldfish, Lizards, Chinchillas, Turtles, Frogs, Spiders such as Tarantulas, Iguanas, Dwarf Hamsters, Guinea Pigs, Gerbils, Ferrets, Hedgehogs and birds such as Parrots and Cockatoos.
Policies in English
Do take into consideration your language skills. If you are not fluent in Spanish then it is important to take out pet insurance with policy documents issued in English.
Otherwise you won’t fully understand what you are covered for. Don’t take the agent or brokers verbal explanation as when it comes to claiming on your pet/animal insurance you will be the one footing the bill if you find you are not properly covered. So check the small print and ask questions until you are 100% sure the policy if what you want.
Protectapet Reviews & Contact Details
While there are many brokers who offer pet insurance, most of the time you will find they use the services and polices issued from a company called Protectapet.
They provide a comprehensive pet insurance and was introduced in 1999 to fill the need for Expatriates living abroad. As Spain’s leading Pet Insurer for Expatriates in Spain, with European cover, Protectapet Insurance policies have been specifically tailored to suit the needs of your pets in Spain and Europe.
Below we have contact details and information for Protectapet Insurance in Spain who primarily specialize in providing plans for insuring your animals in Spain.
Most policies are for dog insurance or cat insurance.
“Protectapet Insurance provides you with Comprehensive Pet Insurance Spain and was introduced by Wayne Massingham in 1999 when he discovered that Spain did not have a policy for Expatriates living abroad.
As Spain’s leading Pet Insurer for Expatriates in Spain, with European cover, Protectapet Insurance policies have been specifically tailored to suit the needs of your pets in Spain and Europe.”
Address: Calle Lepanto 18 Bajo, Benitachell, Alicante. 03726.
Telephone: 966 493 903
If you have any experience of using Protectapet in Spain, please help us by making comments below in order to help other people searching for insurance in Spain.
Cat Insurance
If you have a cat in Spain and you have arranged to insure your cat then tell us who has insured your cat, at what price and any reviews, ratings or stories you may have about cat insurance in Spain.
Moving Pets to Spain
You can bring up to five dogs or cats into Spain – you need a European Pet Passport and an ISO microchip inserted for each of them. Talk to your vet well in advance so you are fully prepared with the procedures.
Your pet will also need to be vaccinated against rabies no later than three weeks before you move to Spain.
Airline companies each have their own rules about transporting pets and will require a suitable container for the animal to travel with complete with plenty of ventilation and room for it to move about. Contact your airline as soon as possible to ensure you comply with all their regulations.
SegurosVeterinarios Online SL
Aviación 18-1ª Planta Sevilla 41007
Telephone: 911333172
Type of Business: broker insurance
Towns or Areas Covered: Spain
Best Features:
Pet Insurance
Main Description:® is the pet health insurance comparison website specialist in Spain.
We are the Pet Insurance specialist in Spain.
We are impartial and independent. No link to insurers.
We advise you, without any extra cost.
No other personal details such as email address or telephone number are required to obtain the information you need.
We offer you plans from top insurance companies. The widest range of pet insurance plans in the market.
In an easy and quick way, you can obtain all the information you need in order to decide on the pet insurance which suits you best.
Online Purchasing & Secure payments.
Pet insurance policies vary greatly from company to company.® helps you find the right insurance for your pet and without any extra cost.
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Silke Berinson says
Protectapet insured my dog as it was the only company that would insure him as he was over 8 years old. They were fantastic when he got ill. They are very friendly and compassionate, pet loving staff and on the several occasions i needed to talk to them , i was in a terrible state as Magoo, my dog, was dying. They made me feel that i was not the only one concerned for my Magoo. when he died, they checked i was ok and settled the claim within 3 days. To my utter surprise, I got a card in the post a few days later thanking me for being with them and that if there was anything further they could do, even if i just wanted to chat, they were there to help. What a wonderful company, i just wish there were more like this around today.
Sarah says
I have my cat covered with Protectapet the turn around on claims is really fast and the English speaking staff are really helpful, they were the only company i could find that insure cats and dogs over ten years old, also the only company out there where by you can pay monthly… I give Protectapet a five star rating…