The Catalana Occidente Group is one of Spain’s largest insurance groups. Founded in 1864, it has vast experience in the industry as you can imagine with that history.
The group is renowned for its solid track record and proven solvency, as well as its coherent and profitable management.
Catalana Occidente offers its services by a branch network as well as agents.
The Grupo Catalana Occidente offers these various types of insurance services:
- Car Insurance
- Compare Cheapest Motorbike Insurance
- Home Insurance
- Renters Insurance (Holiday Home)
- Community Insurance
- Life Insurance
- Telecare Insurance
- Health Insurance
- Burial/Funeral Insurance
- Accident Insurance
- Third-Party Liability
- Saving for Retirement
- Investment funds
- PIAS (Systematic Individual Savings Plan)
- Pension Plans
Catalana Occidente Seguros Car Insurance
With our car insurance MILLENNIUM always enjoy the basic equipment, which guarantees maximum security.
- No claim bonuses, adapting it now enjoys.
- Statement of claims by telephone.
- Continuous monitoring of claims by SMS or e-mail
- Effective claims management in specialized centers.
- Free choice of workshop.
- Quick survey for your convenience.
- Repair and / or replacement of windows at once.
- Travel assistance from Km 0 24 hours.
- Telephone Medical Advice Service 24 hours.
- Payment recovery courses for driving license points.
Catalana Occidente is a major brand name you can trust when looking for motor car insurance. It is obligatory in Spain to have a minimum of third-party insurance but we highly recommend you take out fully comprehensive car insurance.
Life Insurance
The Risk Life Insurance is a necessary protective measure. Through a single policy you can get complete protection against major risks that may arise throughout your life.
The Catalana Occidente Risk Life Insurance guarantee for a certain time, which you choose, the coverage of the insured in case of death as the optional inclusion of other coverages, such as disability or serious illness. If you also want to, you can include funeral insurance.
Catalana Occidente Home Insurance
With the Multi-Risk Compare Cheapest Family Home Insurance – you protect your family and home against the most common and frequent risks to those exposed.
The assets and liabilities that can be secured are:
- Building : In a broad sense is the building or part thereof in which the insured property is located.
- Contents : Includes items that are inside the house.
- Family Liability : Claims as may be directed in case of civil liability for damage caused to third parties.
- Legal Defense : The defense of their interests to be taken by or claims against claims that may be addressed.
- Home can be combined to address risks such as fire, theft, water damage, etc.
Health Insurance
A complete range of products to suit your needs and that of your family.
Joint Health Insurance Reimbursement:
All medical specialties, through a Medical Network includes more than 20,000 professionals and 450 medical centers, managed by our associated organization Sersanet, which can go to your preferences.
Health Insurance Reimbursement with free choice of doctor in the world:
Choose a physician and hospital anywhere in the world. You can go to the most prestigious in the world.
Daily Indemnity Insurance for Hospitalization:
A financial aid for each day of hospitalization.
Community Insurance
Owners of houses that form the community are considered third parties together to cover civil liability arising from damage caused by the water distribution pipes and building evacuation.
The Multi-Peril covers and guarantees against each of the following risk groups:
Coverage for damage resulting from:
- Fire, explosion and smoke
- Lightning strike on the electrical system and appliances
- Acts of vandalism or malicious
- Rain, wind, hail or snow, flooding
- Shock or impact of vehicles, fall of spacecraft, aircraft, sonic waves
- Water from broken pipes and flooding
- Leaks from adjacent floors or above
- Costs of locating and repairing leaks
Expenses arising from the guarantees of damage:
- Termination and reduction of accidents, salvage, clearing
- Forced eviction
- Loss of rent
- Restitution of aesthetic harmony
Burglary and robbery
Breakage of glass and mirrors
Liability for damage caused by water pipes, the building and extend to damage to the hired staff
Community Assistance – 24 hours a day as a result of an accident, noting also the locksmith and emergency power and other services.
Legal Aid – Representation and Protection of interests of the Community
Contact Catalana Occidente
Address: Avda. Alcalde Barnils, 63 08174 SANT CUGAT DEL VALLÉS
Telephone: +34 902344000 Fax. 93 590 82 57
Other Important telephone Numbers:
Integral Motor Service
902 120 090 (International: +34 91 393 90 30)
Full Service Home and Business
902 206 208
Full Service Funeral
902 313 032
Telephone Medical Advice Service
900 369 369
Support Vessels
902 100 610 (International +34 91 393 90 30)
Catalana Occidente in English
If you are an expatriate looking for insurance in Spain then Catalana Occidente it’s probably not the best company for you unless you happen to be fluent in Spanish. It isn’t set-up to provide English-speaking services as well as some of its competitors. This may change of course.
Are you a customer of Catalana Occidente?
We ask you to please provide your personal opinions and reviews of Catalana Occidente’s many different services in Spain so that we can help other readers looking for insurance.
Grahame Hedger says
I have had a buildings and contents policy with you for 10 years. Recently I sent 2 emails, trying to figure out what cover i have now (compared to when I took out the policy).
Not one reply was received.
So my question is: As you have no respect for customers, tell me how you would prefer me to cancel the poilicy.
Mark Eastwood says
Grahame, we are Spain Made Simple not your insurance company – you need to contact them directly.
Peter Bernard Stanley says
Hi there.
As a customer of many years with catalana occidental insurance I would be grateful for details of a contact close to the village of Mondujar, in the Valle of Lecrin.
Pauline Ann Stanley/Ivette Stanley says
Having house insurance with your company, can you give me the nearest branch to Granada Province 18656,Lecrin, so I may make enquiries about my insured values. .Policies involved are 3.101.474-M, and
3.101.475-Z. Your help would be appreciated.
John soden says
Dear sirs,
Over the past 4 months I have written to various people in your organisation including one of your agents from Ney Pey I have sent at least 30 emails and yet cannot get any answers to the claim That I am pursuing I will be posting all the details on the Web in the hope that the general public will be able to make an honest opinium of how your company deals with its customers John Soden