The graphic below shows you today’s weather in Benidorm as well as the current current temperature in Benidorm.
You will also see the conditions in Benidorm i.e. whether it is sunny, cloudy, raining, overcast or clear blue skies as it often is.
If you want more advanced information such as the humidity, pressure, UV, pollen count and wind direction and strengths you can also click on the link to view those.
The Benidorm weather forecast is especially useful if you are about to come on holiday to Benidorm.
You can choose the length of the outlook you want, for example the most popular option is tomorrow’s weather for Benidorm but you can also see the 5 day, 7 day (week forecast), 10 day, 14 day or 15 day forecast.
Each day has the predicted daily high and low temperatures and the likelihood of any rain.
Benidorm Weather Forecast
Benidorm is situated on the Costa Blanca coast of Spain. The Costa Blanca is known to enjoy over 2,800 hours of sun each year with an yearly average annual temperature being a high 19.3 degrees Celsius.
The weather is the main reason for Benidorm’s popularity as a tourist resort but as you will see on our many other pages, Benidorm has so much to offer the tourist.
The two main beaches called Playa Levante and Playa Poniete, both are fantastic wide sandy beaches lined with restaurants, bars and shops.
Benidorm is famous for nightlife with many clubs offering cabaret (Benidorm Palace) and tribute band shows (Morgan Tavern) as well as other types of live entertainment (Sticky Vicky).
The cost of meals and drinks are low because of the huge amounts of visitors on package holidays (the population swells to over 500,000 in July and August).
Access is easy from either Alicante airport or Valencia airport. The easiest option is to get an inexpensive airport transfer but equally you could hire a car if you plan to explore the surrounding Costa Blanca.
Benidorm is very family friendly with five theme parks to keep the kids (and adults) entertained!
You can see right now how the weather in Benidorm looks by viewing these Benidorm webcams.
Benidorm in the Summer
Benidorm in the summer is extremely hot as you will see from the average temperatures below.
In terms of weather and the best times to visit Benidorm, we often recommend that June and September are the best months.
This is because July and August can be extremely hot to the point of being too hot. Also in July and September when temperatures are always high but comfortable, you don’t have as many other tourists so that helps.
Luckily on many days there are sea breezes which make the temperatures bearable, also the humidity is low so the heat isn’t as intense as it can be when the temperature is the same in the UK, yet the humidity is higher.
Almost without exception you will wearing shorts and T-shirts everyday with daytime temperatures between 25 degrees Celsius up to highs of 35 degrees Celsius. Even at night, summer temperatures rarely drop below 20 degrees Celsius.
Most hotels in Benidorm will come with with air conditioning but you should check if you are renting a villa or apartment if there is air-conditioning as they often don’t have it.
It isn’t strictly necessary as you can sleep without but it does make sleeping slightly more comfortable.
Below is a video showing the weather in Benidorm:
Benidorm Weather in June.
The weather in Benidorm in June is just right in our opinion. We recommend it as the best month to visit (as well as Sepember).
You will be wearing shorts and T-shirts because at this time of year the average temperature for June in Benidorm is 23 degrees Celsius.
You will also be avoiding the huge numbers of visitors who come to Benidorm in July and August so the bars and restaurants are just that bit less crowded.
June weather in Benidorm is exactly what you want in terms of being able to guarantee a suntan without being burned to a crisp like you would in July and August when frankly it can just be too hot.
You will enjoy being on the beaches and swimming in the Mediterranean as the sea temperature in June for Benidorm is a warm 20 degrees Celsius.
Just bring a light top for the evenings and a long pair of trousers or jeans to wear in the evenings just in case the temperatures are slightly lower than the average for June.
Benidorm Weather in July.
July weather in Benidorm is perfect if you are a sun seeker intent on just relaxing on the great beaches in Benidorm. For us personally it is almost too hot at times but the facts are that July has the most sunshine hours and the least rainfall of the year so no wonder so many people come to Benidorm in July.
What to wear in July? There isn’t much choice as you would be too hot in any pair of trousers or jeans. Shorts, skirts and T-shirts are essential to avoid being soaked in sweat from the heat. Even at nightime in July you will still be wearing the same clothes you wore in the day.
In July in Benidorm the average temperature is 26 degrees Celsius so just imagine what the peak daytime temperatures are – often 35 degrees Celsius!
Even the sea is hot with an average temperature in July of 24 degrees Celsius.
August Weather in Benidorm.
We are often asked just what is the weather like in Benidorm in the month of August?
People assume it may be too hot and crowded and we would have to agree if you are concerned about that.
But of course for most people going to Benidorm in August they want the hot weather as they want to lie by the pool or on the beach and they want to enjoy the bars and pubs in the evening for which Benidorm is infamous.
It is not uncommon for temperatures to reach a high of 40 degrees Celsius at which point you don’t want to be sunbathing for more than a few minutes at a time before taking a refreshing dip in the sea or pool.
Even then, with an average sea temperatures of 25 degrees Celsius it may not be that cooling!
Don’t worry about what to wear in Benidorm in August, it is too hot for anything other than T-shirt, shorts or shirts.
Rainfall in August is almost unheard of so good weather is practically guaranteed.
August is very busy because most people in the major Spanish cities such as Valencia take the whole month off and come to resorts like Benidorm and hire an apartment for the month.
Benidorm in the Autumn
In the sections below we take a look at what the weather would be like if you visited Benidorm in the autumn.
With the exception of September which is an excellent month weather-wise, you take your chances in the autumn, the weather can be beautiful or it can be rainy.
Having said that the temperatures are usually much better than in the United Kingdom and most days are clear and sunny even if you can’t always rely on being able to sunbathe on the beach!
Lets take a look at each month.
Benidorm Weather in September.
September is the best month to visit Benidorm in our opinon, although we also include June in that statement.
We like both June and September because Benidorm is much less crowded (although still busy) yet the weather is excellent.
The average monthly temperature of 24 degrees Celsius in September is surely high enough for most tourists but without the uncomfortable daily highs that necessitate staying indoors during the siesta hours of 1pm to 4pm.
September weather in Benidorm is usually clear and sunny although there is now much more chance of some rain although this would not normally last more than a day, if that.
So what to wear if you are going on holiday to Benidorm in September?
Take a mixture but erring towards the beachwear such as T-shirt, shirts, shorts with the odd pair of jeans and dresses for nighttime if you are going clubbing.
September’s sea temperature is still 24 degrees Celsius so that is pretty much just as warm/hot as it would be if you went to Benidorm in either July or August.
Benidorm Weather in October.
October weather in Benidorm is changeable, although you would expect the weather to be good but you never know.
The average monthly temperature is a respectably warm 21 degrees Celsius but October can often be one of the wettest months for Benidorm.
Flights are usually very cheap with the exception of half-term and you will still be able to swim in the sea as temperatures are still 21 degrees Celsius which is warm for most people.
Just make sure to bring a couple of jumpers and a warm jacket although it is more likely to be used because it is rainy than cold.
Do still bring shorts, skirts and T-shirts because it is more likely to be hot/warm than cold and chilly.
Benidorm Weather in November.
The weather in November in Benidorm is unreliable but then at this time of year most people know that and do not come expecting great weather all throughout their stay.
Instead November is the time of the major fiestas in Benidorm which is worth coming out for on it’s own. This week long celebration has spectacular parades and firework displays and the bars and clubs are packed every night with revellers from all over Europe.
If you are lucky the weather in November will be warm and sunny with the possibility of sunbathing on the beach during the day.
Temperatures are a mild monthly average of 15 degrees Celsius but there is equally a good possibility of some rain. November is the month when often there are torrential downpours and storms known as ‘Gota Fria’.
So what to wear in Benidorm in November? Definitely long tousers, jeans and warm clothing with some T-shirts and shirts just in case the weather is better than average.
If you are brave you would still be able to swim in the Mediterrarean Sea which is an average temperature of 18 degrees Celsius in November.
Benidorm in the Winter Months
Benidorm is a popular destination for pensioners or retirees wishing to escape the much colder weather in northern Europe. Many people go to Benidorm for a month or two taking advantage of the low occupancies in the hotels and apartments.
In truth there are probably better places in Spain to go to for winter sunshine such as the Canary Islands which include Tenerife, Gran Canaria and Lanzarote which benefit from much higher temperatures in the winter being so much further south.
Benidorm has an advantage in being such a densely populated town with a high concentration of bars, pubs and clubs providing free live entertainment so there are plenty of shows to see even in wintertime.
Benidorm Weather in December.
December is a very quiet time in Benidorm and it is best not to expect too much from the weather.
December still sees many clear and sunny days but with an average monthly temperature of 12 degrees Celsius it is all about enjoying the milder weather comapred to the United Kingdom or elsewhere in Europe.
Surprisingly there is very little rainfall in December but temperatures do drop down especially at night time.
You will certainly need to pack warm clothing including jumpers, coat and long trousers and jeans.
There is still plenty of live entertainment in the bars but they do tend to be very quiet and with a much reduced programme compared to other times of the year.
In December the average sea temperature in Benidorm is 15 degrees Celsius and so you won’t see many people swimming in the sea.
December can be quite cheap especially if you’re coming here for a weekend break as apartments and hotels will have some very attractive deals but you certainly can’t rely on having good weather.
Benidorm Weather in January.
In January Benidorm weather is mostly cold with an average monthly temperature of 11 degrees Celsius. Of course this is an average and the daytime highs can be up to 20°C if you are fortunate but many days they may not get past 10°.
Certainly there is relatively little rain in January so having a winter sun break is not a bad idea as long as you expect it still to be cold and certainly not T-shirt weather.
Bring your winter wardrobe to wear having a number of pairs of jeans, jumpers, coats and long trousers so that you are fully prepared.
The average sea temperature in Benidorm in January is 14 degrees Celsius and is far too cold for most people to consider swimming in the sea.
Benidorm Weather in February.
Even in February, Benidorm is still extremely quiet with very few signs of hen parties and stag parties. There are still plenty of bars and pubs open with live entertainment but they are mostly filled by locals at this time of year.
Although the average monthly temperature of 12 degrees Celsius has increased since January, unfortunately February is much more likely to rain.
In all honesty this is probably a month to avoid if you’re considering visiting Benidorm and you certainly won’t be able to swim in the sea with average sea temperatures in February for Benidorm of 14 degrees Celsius.
Needless to say you need to bring plenty of warm clothing if you are visiting Benidorm in February.
Benidorm in the Spring
Although February can be a horrible month weather-wise in Benidorm, from March things can significantly pick up. You now start to see groups of women and men, often on hen and stag weekends, or just coming out because they enjoy the live entertainment and shows in the many pubs and bars.
Coming out in the spring the price is still very cheap and there are some fantastic accommodation deals to be had in hotels and apartments which won’t be the case in the summer months. So it’s a great time to come visit Benidorm.
You can now confidently expect to spend some time on the beach but the sea temperatures remain cold until May when they start to climb steeply.
Benidorm Weather in March.
March is a great month to go visit Benidorm. March weather is much improved over February with an increase to an average of 14 degrees Celsius.
Although the chance of rain is still relatively high and the nights are certainly still cold, many days have clear blue skies with temperatures rising to 20° or even more sometimes.
Importantly Benidorm becomes much busier and there is a feeling of liveliness when you go out at night. There are more shows, cabaret and comedians performing and with a much better atmosphere due to the crowds.
The fantastically cheap deals at this time of year mean you will see large groups of men and women in search of fun in the evenings.
Take a good mixture of clothing to wear noting that it is still March and it is still cold as much as it can be nice at times during the daytime.
It is really far too cold to consider swimming still, with an average sea temperature in March of 14 degrees Celsius.
Benidorm Weather in April – Hitting the Beach and Swimming in the Sea!
In April average monthly temperatures rise to 16 degrees Celsius making this a very pleasant time for a holiday and Easter is naturally very popular.
The entertainment programme is in full swing with plenty of free tribute bands to go see as well as comedians, shows and cabaret.
There is still a good chance of rain in April but this is usually for very short spells and there is plenty to do and see in Benidorm if it does rain.
As well as your warm winter clothing you can now bring some shorts and T-shirts which should get some use.
The average April sea temperature in Benidorm is 15 degrees Celsius but this is now beach weather and time to hit the Mediterranean Sea for a swim if you are fairly hardly!
Benidorm Weather in May.
Although we have said that June and September would be our pick of the months for which to visit Benidorm, May is very close behind in our recommendations.
The weather in May can be absolutely superb, feeling like summer most of the month. However the advantages are that you are still early in the season so you are avoiding the mass crowds and families that come here for the summer and push the prices up.
Just look at the average monthly temperature which has now increased to 20 degrees Celsius. This means that on many days you will experience highs in the daytime of almost 30°C.
There is very little chance of rain in May and the nights are now also warm.
In May you will definitely want to wear shorts and T-shirts on most days but bring a pair of long trousers, jeans and a jumper just in case the weather is a little bit below average.
Bring your swimming costume or bikini because the average sea temperature in May is now up to an average of 17 degrees Celsius which starts to see many people beginning to swim.
Temperatures and Climate
If you want to know what the different temperatures are likely to be when you are visiting Benidorm, you will find the average monthly temperatures below.
These are of course averages and the daytime highs and lows will vary but hopefully this gives you a good idea of what to expect from the weather in specific months.
It also gives you an idea of what clothing to wear and what to bring when you are packing your suitcase.
Benidorm’s climate has been described by the World Health Organisation as one of the best in the world with mild winters and hot summers.
There is little rainfall and this tends to be concentrated in short bursts with great downpours which don’t last for more than a few days at a time usually.
Although summer temperatures can be very high, humidity is relatively low and being on the coast, Benidorm benefits from cooling sea breezes on most days in the summer.
Benidorm enjoys its own unique micro-climate due to it being protected by mountains that shield it from the cold Levante winds from the north.
There is a difference between weather and climate this being that the climate is based on long-term measurement of Benidorm’s weather with satellites, radar, charts and other meteorological equipment giving readings and data.
From this we can predict the typical weather patterns and climate although each individual day is very much a snapshot and can vary dramatically from the average but hopefully this page has given you an idea of what to expect if you’re planning on visiting Benidorm.
Monthly Average Temperatures
The table below shows the monthly average temperatures in Benidorm in Celsius and Fahrenheit:
Average Monthly Sea Temperatures
The table below displays the monthly average sea temperatures in Celsius:
Average Hours of Sunshine Per Day
The table below displays the monthly average number of hours of sun per day:
Main Benidorm Pages…
- Airport Transfers to Benidorm
- Aqualandia
- Benidorm Apartments For Sale
- Benidorm Apartments to Rent
- Benidorm Attractions
- Benidorm Car Hire
- Benidorm Estate Agents
- Benidorm Fiestas
- Benidorm Hotels
- Benidorm Long Term Rentals
- Benidorm Map/Where is Benidorm?
- Benidorm Nightlife
- Benidorm Palace
- Benidorm Restaurants
- Benidorm Shopping
- Benidorm Villa Rental
- Camping in Benidorm
- Gay Benidorm
- Hen Weekends in Benidorm
- Mundomar
- Stag Weekends in Benidorm
- Sticky Vicky
- Terra Mitica
- Terra Natura & Aqua Natura Benidorm
- Theme Parks in Benidorm
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