When looking to buy an apartment property in Benidorm you know you will never be far away from facilities such as restaurants, bars and shops because virtually all the property apartment blocks in Benidorm are grouped close together in the centre of Benidorm town or just on the outskirts of Benidorm but still within walking distance of the towns facilities.
Benidorm is a very attractive place to buy an apartment property. Benidorm is north of Alicante airport and is right on the coast with miles of sandy beaches. When you are not using your apartment in Benidorm you won’t have any problems letting out your apartment to other holidaymakers as the holiday season in Benidorm is all year round.
Apartments for sale in Benidorm have the advantage of being easy to look after – ideal if your Benidorm apartment property is to be used primarily as a holiday home. Benidorm apartments for sale are also handy for older people who don’t want the time and expense of maintaining swimming pools and gardens.
Buying apartment properties in Benidorm can also be a good long-term investment as apartment property in Benidorm has surged in value over the last five years and the trend (over the long-term) looks to be upward.
To buy an apartment for sale in Benidorm you will realistically need €175,000 as a starting price to buy an apartment property.
For €175,000 you will be able to buy a 1 bed apartment in Benidorm.
Most apartments built in Benidorm are 2 bed apartments. To buy a 2 bed apartment property in Benidorm you will need to look at €225,000 as a starting price. If you see an apartment for sale in Benidorm for less than that it will most likely require modernisation.
To buy an apartment in Benidorm with three bedrooms you need to look at a starting price of €250,000.
You will not find many four bedroom apartments for sale in Benidorm.
If you are looking to buy an apartment in Benidorm and especially if you are looking to make money from buying an apartment property for sale in Benidorm then the best way is to buy an apartment in Benidorm off-plan. This involves buying an apartment in Benidorm before it has even been started to be built.
You will need to have money in place to be able to put down on-going payments while the apartments are being built. Firstly a deposit – usually 5-10%. Then when the roof goes on you will need to have paid about 50%.
You will be able to buy the Benidorm apartment property at a good price because the apartment building is not finished and usually by the time it has been built Benidorm apartment property prices have usually gone up so that instantly you have made a profit – before you even move in.
In fact many property investors in Benidorm sell their apartment at this point and never even move in or they rent their apartment – they then buy another apartment in Benidorm off plan and repeat the same process all over again.
Just be aware that if you are buying an apartment for sale in Benidorm for investment purposes that you are not completely reliant on property prices in Benidorm going up because you are committed to your purchase or else risk losing your deposit so have a plan to rent your apartment out should the Benidorm property market be in a lull once it is completed.
Expect to be making a 5% gross return on your Benidorm apartment by renting it out – whether to holidaymakers or to people looking for a long-term let in Benidorm.
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