Highlights of this Murcia weather article:
Todays weather and the forecasts in Murcia.
Description of the different seasons and months of the year.
Average Murcia temperature charts.
We show you the weather now as well as today’s weather in Murcia, the latest current temperature in Murcia and the conditions in Murcia i.e. sun, cloud, rain, overcast, clear, etc as well the humidity, pressure, wind direction and wind gust strength. We also show the predicted daily high and low temperatures and chances of showers and rain to help you with any travel plans.
You can click on the graphic and get a much more detailed weather outlook including: tomorrow’s weather in Murcia, long range forecast, a weather map showing any pressure systems, visibility, UV, pollen count, dew point, where the weather station providing this data is located, a 5 day, 7 day (week forecast), 14 day, 15 day and 10 day forecast for Murcia weather.
The weather and climate in Murcia is excellent. Murcia enjoys more than 2,800 hours of sunshine each year with an average annual temperature of 19.3 degrees Celsius.
Because the Murcia weather and climate is so favourable, Murcia has become a popular tourist destination for sun lovers enjoying approximately 325 sunny days each year.
Many people are also choosing to live in Murcia due to the excellent all-year round weather conditions.
This page gives you information on all aspects of Murcia weather. We have a description of Murcia’s climate, we have today’s weather, we have up-to-the-minute current weather temperature for Murcia as well as a more detailed 10 day forecasts for the weather in Murcia.
The weather in summer in Murcia is typically very hot with little to no rainfall. Summer temperatures in Murcia will mostly be between 25 degrees Celsius to 35 degrees Celsius during the day. Temperatures at night in the summer in Murcia rarely drop below 15 degrees Celsius.
Because Murcia’s humidity is low you won’t feel the temperature is as high as it really is. Do take precautions and keep out of the sun between 12 o’clock and 3 o’clock.
Always wear a high sun cream factor especially if you are on Murcia’s beaches. Fortunately on most days you will most likely have cooling sea breezes.
If you are renting or hiring a villa or apartment in Murcia in the summer you may well want to look to rent a villa or apartment with air conditioning or at least one with fans otherwise you may have trouble sleeping at night, especially if you are coming on holiday from a northern European country where the temperatures are much lower.
Murcia weather in June.
The average temperature for June in Murcia is 23 degrees Celsius. Typical June weather in Murcia is excellent as the days are sunny yet not too hot (compared to July and August). To dress for the June weather bring T-shirts and shorts and perhaps a light top for evening wear. The sea temperature in June for Murcia is a nice warm swimmable 20 degrees Celsius.
Murcia weather in July.
Perhaps the best month to visit Murcia as July has the most sunshine hours and the least rainfall of the whole year. The average temperature for July in Murcia is a very hot 26 degrees Celsius. Typical July weather in Murcia is clear and sunny days and warm to hot evenings and virtually no rainfall. To dress for the July weather bring lots of T-shirts and shorts. The sea temperature in July for Murcia is a very warm swimmable 24 degrees Celsius.
Murcia weather in August.
In August Murcia weather can be almost unbearably hot with some days reaching 40 degrees Celsius or more. The average monthly temperature for August in Murcia is a very hot 27 degrees Celsius. Typical August weather in Murcia is clear and sunny with no rainfall and hot evenings. To dress for the August weather bring lots of T-shirts and shorts, you would feel uncomfortable wearing long trousers it is so hot in August. The sea temperature in August for Murcia is a very hot 25 degrees Celsius.
The autumn is a good time to visit Murcia and the rest of the Costa Blanca because the autumn weather is usually mild and sunny with some days being very hot although evenings can be cool. There is a chance of some rainfall.
The Mediterranean Sea remains warm and you can still swim well into October. In the autumn there are likely to be the occasional electrical thunderstorms with lightning and torrential rainfall sometimes resulting in flooding.
Murcia weather in September.
In September Murcia weather is excellent because many of the tourists have left yet temperatures are still high with an average monthly temperature of 24 degrees Celsius. Typical September weather in Murcia is clear and sunny with perhaps some rainfall in the form of brief showers.
To dress for the September weather generally it is still T-shirts and shorts although bring some jeans and long trousers just in case for the evenings. The sea temperature in September for Murcia is a very nice 24 degrees Celsius, perfect for swimming.
Murcia weather in October.
In October Murcia weather is often warm and sunny with an average monthly temperature dropping down to 21 degrees Celsius. For rainfall October is usually the wettest month for Murcia. To dress for the October weather in Murcia bring a mixture of T-shirts, shorts, jumpers, jeans and long trousers to cover all possible conditions. The sea temperature in October for Murcia is 21 degrees Celsius which for most people is still warm enough to swim.
Murcia weather in November.
In November Murcia weather is changeable but often fairly warm and usually sunny with an average monthly temperature of 15 degrees Celsius although there is always a chance of rainfall. To dress for the November weather in Murcia bring a mixture of T-shirts, shorts, jumpers, jeans and long trousers to cover all possible conditions. The average sea temperature in November for Murcia is 18 degrees Celsius which is at a point where most people wouldn’t swim.
The weather in Murcia in winter is very mild compared to northern Europe. Most winter days in Murcia are clear and sunny with little rainfall. The temperatures are unpredictable and can vary greatly in winter however, one day it can be over 20 degrees Celsius and you will be walking around in your t-shirt, on another day it can be 6 degrees Celsius and feel very cold.
If you are visiting Murcia in winter be careful to ensure that if you rent a villa or apartment that it has some form of heating, preferably central heating. Houses in Spain are built so that they are cool in summer but that unfortunately means they are not insulated and can be very cold in winter.
Even in the winter it doesn’t rain much in Murcia with the exception being when Murcia experiences a ‘Gota Fria’ – this happens when the temperature suddenly drops resulting in incredible torrential rain and flooding. The Gota Fria also creates huge waves and high tides which often destroys Murcia’s beaches.
Murcia weather in December.
In December Murcia weather is changeable, sometimes warm but often cool during the daytime with an average monthly temperature of 12 degrees Celsius. There is little rainfall in December but nights are cold. To dress for the December weather in Murcia bring warm clothing such as jeans, jumpers, coat and long trousers. The average sea temperature in December for Murcia is 15 degrees Celsius and too cold for most people to consider swimming.
Murcia weather in January.
In January Murcia weather is usually cold, although sometimes mild with an average monthly temperature of 11 degrees Celsius. There is little rainfall in January but nights are cold and sometimes near freezing point. To dress for the January weather in Murcia bring warm clothing such as jeans, jumpers, coat and long trousers. The average sea temperature in January for Murcia is 14 degrees Celsius and too cold for most people to consider swimming.
Murcia weather in February.
In February Murcia weather is usually cold, although sometimes mild to warm with an average monthly temperature of 12 degrees Celsius. The chance of rainfall increases in February and nights are cold. To dress for the February weather in Murcia bring warm clothing such as jeans, jumpers, coat and long trousers. The average sea temperature in February for Murcia is 14 degrees Celsius and too cold for most people to consider swimming.
Murcia’s weather and climate in Spring picks up especially after March when the beaches begin to become popular once more. There is a chance of rainfall but the days are often clear and sunny although evenings can still be quite cool until we get into May. Sea temperatures remain cold until May when they start to climb rapidly.
Murcia weather in March.
In March Murcia weather is usually mild with many nice sunny days with an average monthly temperature of 14 degrees Celsius. The chance of rainfall is still fairly high and nights are still cold. To dress for the March weather in Murcia bring warm clothing such as jeans, jumpers, coat and long trousers as well as some T-shirts. The average sea temperature in March for Murcia is 14 degrees Celsius and too cold for most people to consider swimming.
Murcia weather in April.
In April Murcia weather is usually heating up rapidly with many nice warm sunny days with an average monthly temperature of 16 degrees Celsius. The chance of rainfall decreases although nights are still cool. To dress for the April weather in Murcia bring a mixture of warm clothing such as jeans, jumpers and long trousers as well as some T-shirts and shorts. The average sea temperature in April for Murcia is 15 degrees Celsius and still too cold for most people to consider swimming.
Murcia weather in May.
In May Murcia weather is superb with many hot and sunny days with a very pleasant average monthly temperature of 20 degrees Celsius. Expect fairly little chance of rainfall, nights are now warm. To dress for the May weather in Murcia bring mostly summer clothing such as T-shirts and shorts with some warm clothing just in case such as jeans, a jumper and long trousers. The average sea temperature in May for Murcia is 17 degrees Celsius which see many people start to venture into the sea to swim.
Murcia’s climate has been described by the World Health Organisation as one of being the best in the world. Murcia’s summers are hot and the winters in Murcia are mild with many clear blue sunny days. Murcia’s climate and weather is very healthy especially for sufferers of arthritis.
Many people are confused as to the difference between weather and climate. We can describe the climate and temperature in Murcia as being based on long-term measurement of the weather with satellites, radar, charts and other meteorological equipment.
This gives a typical idea of what the conditions of Murcia will be for certain times of the year. The weather however is a short-term snapshot and each day can be completely different. Reading this section on the climate of Murcia gives you an idea of what you should expect each season and month to be like when visiting Murcia, Costa Calida, Spain.
Monthly Average Murcia Temperatures
The table below shows the monthly average temperatures in Celsius and Fahrenheit:
Average Hours of Sunshine Per Day in Murcia
The table below displays the monthly average number of hours of sun per day:
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