Are you looking for a list of lawyers or solicitors in Moraira, Costa Blanca?
Lawyers and solicitors are known as abogados in Spain.
We only wish to list reliable companies that you would recommend to others
All the lawyers listed below offer English speaking service in Moraira on the Costa del Sol coast of Spain.
We welcome your comments and reviews – just fill in the comments section at the bottom of the page.
From: Sandra Wolfe
Business Name: Express Legal Solicitors
Business Address:
CV-70 Partida Buena Vista, 3
03530 La Nucia (Alicante)
Telephone: 966874548
Type of Business: Solicitors
Towns or Areas Covered: Moraira
Best Features:
Powers of Attorney;Wills & Inheritance;Family Law & Divorce;Certified copies,documents sworn/witnessed/translated;Tax
Main Description:
Legal Services, qualified & regulated Solicitors
Maurice Dee says
I would like to correct you on a statement you have made on your webpage. You have mistakenly described
“Express Legal Solicitors ” as solicitors ??. After my experience with them I would probably best describe them as “Estate Agents” Maybe.