Do you have a property requiring maintenance or management in Calpe and surrounding towns and villages?
Below we list some of the very best local services and companies operating in Calpe on the Costa Blanca of Spain.
With help from local residents we are a building a database of recommended businesses and services from people who are proving to be reliable and trustworthy.
You can help too by filling out the comments section at the bottom of each page, where you can tell us which companies to avoid or to use.
If you happen to run a property maintenance business you can also grab a free listing by clicking the ‘add your business’ button below.
From: John McCormack
Business Name: Calpe1stop
Business Address:
Urbanisation Empedrola
Telephone: 00448724260378
Type of Business: Property Management & Maintenance
Towns or Areas Covered: Altea, Moraira, Bennisa, Jalon, Javea
Best Features:
Property Management
Property Maintenance
Villa Services
Apartment Services
Main Description:
Professional Property Management and Maintenance in Calpe, Moraira and the surrounding areas.
We have owned and let properties in Spain, both in Calpe and further south for over 10 years and have combined experience in the building and property management business of over 20 years, 10 of those here on the Costa Blanca.
We own the prestigeous property company Spanish Home Seeker the No.1 for villa, apartment and property sales in Calpe, Moraira and Javea.
We also operate Holiday Calpe where all our managed properties get free advertising.
Calpe1stop is a one stop shop for all your Property Management and Maintenance needs. No job is too small.
Our sister company Solair Spain provides 1st class air conditioning installations, and maintenance and we guarantee not to be beaten on price!
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