Enjoy our quick guide to Piles, a municipality in Spain’s Costa Blanca with a population of almost 3,000 people.
Below we feature an expat interview with Vanessa Crocker-Dean of Hello2Spain who covers the Piles area.
Specifically, we wanted to learn from Vanessa why people may consider moving into Piles and what they could get for their money.
Where is Piles?
Piles is a municipality in the Valencian Community, Spain. It is located in the province of Valencia, in the region of La Safor. It had a registered population of 2,877 inhabitants in 2012 (INE).
Physical Geography
Piles is almost flat, altered only by the cross step or Beneteixir Palm Canyon which borders the town to the north. The coast consists of 1.5 km of playa. The climate is Mediterranean climate.
The origin of the town seems to be in a small Muslim farmhouse dependent Rebollet Castle, won jointly in 1240 by Jaime I. At that time, the territory was largely a swamp.
Piles Beach began to urbanize in the first half of the twentieth century at the confluence of the way of the Sea, Current Avenue Sea, with playa.1 still some of these buildings remain among the most modern apartment blocks, one witness expansion of tourism in the early 1970.4
In 1572 there were 53 houses in Piles (about 239 inhabitants) in 1713 was already 60 ( about 270 inhabitants.) , Accelerating growth along eighteenth century to reach 900 hab . In 1787. Growth continue, more slowly , during the nineteenth century , reaching 1.925 habitants . Growth by attracting Olive , the appearance of some local businesses and the tourism boom . Subsequently, the increase has been very slow but constant.
Seventy-eight percent of the area is cultivated, with 373 hectares of citrus distributed equally that include mandarine orange. Irrigation water comes from the river Serpis through the community of Acequia Olive (Sèquia Commune D’ Oliva) as well as some pozos.
The industry is represented by several medium-sized enterprises from various sectors such as food, woodworking, manufacturing and metals.
How to Get There
By the end of Piles, take the following roads:
CV- 670 Link Oliva with Grau de Gandia by the route of the old road Nazaret -Oliva.
Piles CV- 674 Binds to the N -332 at the height of Palmera.
Main AP7 from Valencia and Alicante Junction 61 (Oliva) is the main motorway network.
Bus route from Gandia to Piles and a train from Valencia to Gandia.
Things to See and Do
Watchtower Piles: This is a defensive structure, built in 1573 near the coast to prevent attacks from the Berbers. It has a height of 13 meters and a diameter of 10 meters. It was restored in 1986 by the Government of Valenciana.
Parish Church of Santa Barbara (Església parish of Santa Barbera): It was built between 1733 and 1744 while retaining the chapel of the Communion of the previous church which was destroyed by an earthquake in 1732. It was located on the old mosque and has subsequently undergone several reconstrucciones.
Beach: Piles participates in the Plan Accessible Beaches of Valencia, making its beach suitable for the disabled.
The town lies between the roads of Nazaret-Oliva (now CV- 670) and the former path of the littoral step by lift. The original nucleus is formed in the vicinity of the church square and along the way antigo, currently the street called Baix. From Baix street, people populated the area found north on Sea Street, west on Forn streets, Salvador Salom and Nou, and crosswise in Santa Barbara or path Oliva. From 1950, the westward expansion continued by the new road along the streets of Sant Felip, Pedrós and Mestre José Serrano, including the opening of the Plaza Pare Pons. In recent years, growth has led both to the north along Cervantes street, and to the south by the streets of Moreres and Ramon y Cajal. The town center is between the square Stop and old Pons. The same square where you can find the town hall has various shops and schools.
Major festivals are held in May, dedicated to St. Philip Neri, Christ of the Agony, Virgen del Carmen, San Fernando and the Immaculate Conception.
Parties are held almost half of the year (Mig any). One is held on December 4 in honor of Santa Barbara (also patron of the municipality).
Vanessa, thank you so much for sharing this information on your experiences in Spain to our readers. If you want to contact her, you can find her details below.
Marques de Campo, 6, 03700 Denia
Tel. +34 672 208 879
Email: info@hello2spain.com
Website: www.hello2spain.com
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