Do you have a property requiring maintenance in Pinoso and surrounding towns and villages?
Below we list some of the very best local services and companies operating in Pinoso on the Costa Blanca of Spain.
With help from local residents we are a building a database of recommended businesses and services from people who are proving to be reliable and trustworthy.
You can help too by filling out the comments section at the bottom of each page, where you can tell us which companies to avoid or to use.
If you happen to run a property maintenance business you can also grab a free listing by clicking the ‘add your business’ button below.
From: Carl McGrath
Business Name: Easy Lives Property Services
Business Address:
26, Get I.T. Connected
Calle Canovas Del Castillo 14
Pinoso 03650
Telephone: 965 325 498
Type of Business: Property maintenance and rental
Towns or Areas Covered: Pinoso, Yecla, Fortuna, Hondon de los Frailes, Hondon de las Nieves, Jumilla, Alguena, La Romana, Villena
Best Features:
- Property rental and maintenance
- Landlord and letting services
- The only call you need to make for all your property rental, maintenance and security needs.
- Call 965 325 498 to get top quality, experienced, qualified and approved tradesmen.
Main Description:
Easy Lives Property Services
A reputation to maintain
Property rental and maintenance
The only call you need to make for all your property rental, maintenance and security needs.
Call 965 325 498 to get top quality, experienced, qualified and approved tradesmen.
For your home:
Electrics – certified upgrades and installs Plumbing – Corgi registered Kitchens Bathrooms Bespoke carpentry and joinery Satellite TV – Freesat, No more bills Wood stoves and boilers Painting and decorating Alarms and security services
For your garden and beyond:
Pergolas and gazebos
Chalets and wooden buildings
Solar power – electric and water
Swimming pools – build, clean and maintain Gardening – design, creation and maintenance Digger and driver hire New builds and extensions Patios and decking Fencing and gates
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