This page contains unique content about estate agents in Mil Pameras (known in Spain as inmobiliaria) as well as a directory of agents in order to help people looking to let or buy property in the Mil Pameras area.
Our list of agents also helps if you are looking to find properties for sale or rent, or if you are wanting to sell your own property.
Want to be listed below? – submit your business by clicking the button below – it’s completely free!
From: Sasha Morris
Business Name: Leigh´s Estates
Business Address:
Avenida de España CC. Local 2
Mil Palmeras 03191
Alicante, Spain
Telephone: 0034 965 323 540
Type of Business: Estate Agent
Towns or Areas Covered: Mil Palmeras, Torre de la Horadada, Pinar de Campoverde, Pilar de la Horadada
Main Description:
Buying or selling a property is a big move wherever you are, especially abroad, which is why our job is so important to us. We offer a friendly, professional and transparent service and are here to guide you throughout the entire process.
Our aim is to make moving into your new home a pleasant and hassle-free experience. For people who are not familiar with the language, procedures and customs in southern Spain, getting a home ready to move into could be a complicated and even costly undertaking. For this reason, the support we give in ensuring that everything is carried out to your satisfaction is extremely important.
We will point you in the right direction of the most reputable English speaking lawyers, currency exchange companies, mortgage advisers, builders, locksmiths etc – all of which are independent to us but have been carefully handpicked to ensure they, like us, provide you with a top quality service.