Below we have a list of the best hairdressers in Quesada.
This includes hairdressing salons as well as people who provide a mobile home service for cutting hair.
The Spanish word for hairdressers is Peluquería.
Here are some useful words that you may well need to use:
Peluquería – Hairdressers Peluquera – Hairdresser Lavar y peinar – wash and blow dry Iluminaciones, mechas – Highlights or streaks Sólo las puntitas – Just a trim Con capas – Layered
We would especially appreciate your feedback and reviews of any of the businesses as listed below.
Can anyone recommend a good English speaking hairdresser in Quesada?
To get listed below all you have to do is fill out our free submission form which is quick and easy:
From: Leanne ollerenshaw
Business Name: Perfection mobile hairdresser Quesada
Business Address:
Calle San Miguel 103
Telephone: 611460356
Type of Business: Hairdresser
Towns or Areas Covered: Torrevieja, benimar, benijofar, la marina
Best Features:
Award winning hairdresser
Relax in your own home while you get the salon treatment.
100% satisfaction guaranteed every time.
Main Description:
i am a hairdresser with over 10 years experience of working In top salons in the UK. I have now moved to spain and am mobile hairdressing in the quesada and torrevieja area. Hope to hear from you soon Leanne x
Sue says
I’m sue and I suffer with osteo rheumatoid arthritis I used to colour my hair myself but now I find it difficult to do my number is 605069579 I would be really interested in your help xx
Jean says
Hi Sue,
I am also looking for a mobel hairdresser, like you I need someone to colour and cut my hair monthly. If you find one please let me know and i will do the same for you. My telephone no is 966719491.