Are you searching for a English-speaking dentist in Alfaz del Pi/Albir?
Practices, surgeries and clinics with English speaking staff and dentists are listed below.
We want to hear from local residents on who you consider to be the best dentists in Alfaz del Pi/Albir.
You can make your recommendations and comments at the bottom of this page.
If you happen to be on holiday and you’ve developed pain in your teeth then we suggest you see a dentist immediately.
Don’t worry because the standard of dentistry in Spain is just as good as in your home country, if not better.
The only problem is that dental care is not free in Spain, even if you happen to be a resident and qualify for free medical care.
Register your business and clinic below for free:
Our main page on dentists in Spain will help you through the basics.
Luckily as you are on the Costa Blanca – a popular area for expats, you will have a wide choice of dentists that speak English.
The nearest towns to try for treatment would be dental clinics in Benidorm or up the coast in Calpe.
Centro Dental Alfaz del Pi
Business Address:
Avda. Pais Valencia 2, Local 3,
03580, Alfaz del Pi,
Telephone: 96-6860016
Type of Business: Dental Clinic/Surgery
Towns or Areas Covered: La Nucia, El Albir, Benidorm, Altea, Calpe,Polop
Best Features:
Our philosophy is to make our patients feel comfortable and know that we will find the best solution for their specific case.
Main Description:
German Dental Clinic/Surgery. We offer 3D diagnostics, general dental care and oral surgery.
Our dental clinic in Alfaz has an English and German speaking dentist.
clinica dental alfaz del pi
Business Address:
Avenida Pais Valencia, 9
Local 3
alfaz del Pi
Telephone: 965889032
Type of Business: British dentist
Towns or Areas Covered: costa blanca
Best Features:
British dentist
British dental nurse
Spanish prices
Main Description:
British trained dentist twenty years of experience on the Costa Blanca.
All areas of dentistry covered. Sedation offered for nervous patients. Full specialist referral service. General anesthetic
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