Do you need to find a company that specialises in mobility services in Mojacar?
Below you will find a complete list of every company and business that we know of, that provides mobility scooters for sale or hire as well as other ability aids.
You are welcome in suggesting any business that we have missed and we will list them free of charge.
Mobility services typically provided:
- Mobility products to buy
- Equipment hire/rental
- Mobility scooters.
- Wheelchairs.
- Hoists
- Stairlifts
- Walking aids
- Bathroom/bedroom aids
You can list your own business in Mojacar below for free.
Mobility Matters
Business Address: 69a Parque Comercial Paseo de Mediteraneo 04638 Mojacar, Almeria, Spain
Telephone: (0034) 950 615 432
Type of Business: Mobility Services
Towns or Areas Covered: Mojacar
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Peter callaghan says
Hi i been told by may others in spain to contact you regarding a hire of a double or large mobility scooter,I know myself that That I aready contacted you on this matter so if you think that you can not help me,then why should other people keep recommended you to me with regards Peter Callaghan
Peter callaghan says
Hi i am looking to hire a 8 mile an hour mobility elect scooter,I am coming over to Vera playa club Hotel on 24th of may for 1 week & going back to the uk on 31st may.I like the hire to start on 25th may at 10am I will meet you outside the vera playa club Hotel on my first days hire,& you can recollect your scooter back on the 31st of may at 10am outside of the hotel,if you think you be interested in this hire can you please get back to me wilh a price i have hired many a scooter form Omigo 24 of Almeria but i am having difficulty in getting hold of them this year,so again if your interested please reply to my email address with kind regards Mr P Callaghan (PS i look forward in your reply.)
Maria Moore says
I would like to hire a mobility scooter when I visit this summer. We will be staying in San Juan de Los Terreros. Do u hire by the day? How much does this cost? And do u deliver them or would I have to come and pick one up. Ideally I would be looking for one that folds down into a car. Thank you
Me gustaría alquilar un scooter de movilidad cuando visite este verano. Nos alojaremos en San Juan de los Terreros. ¿Usted contrata por el día? ¿Cuánto cuesta este? ¿Y los entregas o tendré que venir a recoger uno? Idealmente, estaría buscando uno que se pliegue en un automóvil. Gracias