Are you searching for a English-speaking dentist in the Costa Blanca South?
Practices, surgeries and clinics with English speaking staff and dentists are listed below.
We want to hear from local residents on who you consider to be the best dentists in the San Fulgencio area which includes towns such as Guardamar and Gran Alacant.
You can make recommendations and comments at the bottom of this page.
If you happen to be on holiday and you’ve developed pain in your teeth then we suggest you see a dentist immediately.
Don’t worry because the standard of dentistry in Spain is just as good as in your home country, if not better.
The only problem is that dental care is not free in Spain, even if you happen to be a resident and qualify for free medical care.
Register your business and clinic below for free:
The British Dental Practice
Calle Madrid 103
Urbanizacion La Marina
San Fulgencio
Telephone: 966796603
Type of Business: Dental Surgeon
Towns or Areas Covered: Guardamar, Gran Alacant, La Marina, Elche, Rojales,
Best Features:
Gentle Caring Treatment
British Dental Surgeon
Emergency treatment
Tooth coloured restorations (fillings)
Cosmetic dentistry.
Tooth whitening
All types of dentures: Acrylic, metal and flexible.
Denture repairs, relining and additions
After qualifying in 1981 Dr Paul Saliba practiced in southern England for over 20 years running his own practice since 1991.He has been attending to the dental needs of the English speaking population of Southern Costa Blanca since 2003.
The British Dental Practice offers a full range of general dental care including tooth coloured restorations, crown & bridges, tooth whitening, pain relief, natural looking dentures and repairs and a full range of preventive treatment. We offer a wide array of cosmetic dentistry to help improve your smile.
We offer same day emergency treatment and will always try to see any patient who is in pain or distress on the day they contact us.
We pride ourselves in understanding nervous patients and are very experienced in putting even the most apprehensive people at ease.
After your first visit you will be given a detailed record of any further treatment required together with a full quotation of any costs. There will be no hidden costs or nasty surprises.