Use the Camposol car hire price comparison website tool below to quickly find the cheapest car hire for Camposol in Spain in just seconds.
The free price comparison search engine below will compare all the current Camposol car hire deals and car rental rates to give you the lowest and cheapest car hire for Camposol.
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The price comparison tool will compare all the latest Camposol car hire quotes and prices and car rental rates between the major international brand name car hire companies as well as national and local Spanish car hire companies saving you both time and money.
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Why You Need To Hire a Car in Urbanisation Camposol
Hiring a car in Camposol is essential because of the lack of public transport.
Hiring a car in Camposol gives you great flexibility to discover the many varied sights and towns of the Costa Calida and also Costa Blanca.
Instead of hiring a car from the airport that you arrive into, you could instead get an airport transfer to Camposol and simply rent a car for short periods when you need it for excursions.
This would be ideal if you’re planning to spend most of your time staying at your rental villa. Camposol itself has a supermarket and many shops however you should be aware that need to rent a car if you wish to travel to the nearest beaches at Puerto Mazarron.
A local Camposol car hire option can be sought from FC Rent-a-Car at:
Urb. Camposol, C. Comercial, 29
Ctra. Mazarron, Alhama
30870, Saladillo, Mazarron, Murcia
Tel: 0034 968 199 156
Camposol is a huge urbanisation (also known as a development) centered around Camposol’s 18 hole golf course. Camposol is mainly built of small villas.
Camposol is situated on the Coast Calida coast just south of the Costa Blanca.
Airport access is fantastic as San Javier airport at Murcia is only 45 minutes drive while Alicante airport with a huge choice of flights all over Europe is just over an hours drive away to the north.
The nearest town to Camposol is Mazarron, which is a charming unspoilt Spanish town 12 km away towards the coast.
For beaches and the marina you would drive to Puerto Mazarron which is only 3 kilometres away from Mazarron town.
Nearby in the region is Murcia city with great shopping malls and designer shops with a good historical old town centre. Also the port of Cartagena is also worth a visit if you appreciate your history and old buildings.
Use the Camposol car hire price comparison website tool above to quickly find the cheapest car hire for Camposol in Spain in just seconds.
The free price comparison search engine above will compare all the current Camposol car hire deals and car rental rates to give you the lowest and cheapest car hire for Camposol.
The price comparison tool will compare all the latest Camposol car hire quotes and prices and car rental rates between the major international brand name car hire companies as well as national and local Spanish car hire companies saving you both time and money.
It is free to use – just put in your dates for your car hire Camposol and tell us what type and size of car you want to hire – then let the price comparison booking engine do the rest!
Before you start searching for cheap car hire Camposol, note that you must be at least 21 years of age and have held a full driver’s license for at least a year.
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