Are you looking for an English-speaking vets in Tias, on the island of Lanzarote in the Canaries?
Below we have a list of companies and businesses providing care for your pets as well as reviews of veterinary clinics in Tias.
You will also find independent reviews from people who have used these companies.
If you are not listed below please fill in our free submission form further down.
Services provided:
- Vaccinations
- Flea, worm and tick treatments
- Neutering
- Pet insurance
- Pet nutrition
- Dental care
- Pet passports and export certificates
- Diets
You can list your own veterinary clinic in Tias, Lanzarote below for free.
We also have a useful page on Spanish pet insurance.
Veterinaria Tias
Business Address:
C/ fraternidad 23
35572 tias Las palmas
Telephone: 928 833990
Type of Business: Small animal veterinary practice
Towns or Areas Covered: Lanzarote
Best Features:
Everything for your your pet
Main Description:
Vet practice 23 years experience. Grooming service and top brands pet foods
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