Are you looking for a list of lawyers, solicitors and law firms in Sotogrande, Costa del Sol?
Lawyers and solicitors are known as abogados in Spain.
We only wish to list reliable companies in Sotogrande that you would recommend to others
All the lawyers listed below offer English speaking service in Sotogrande on the Costa del Sol coast of Spain.
We welcome your comments and reviews – just fill in the comments section at the bottom of the page.
Hassans International Law Firm
Business Address:
Edf. Sotomarket, Oficina 8 Autovia Del Mediterraneo E-15, Salida 130
Type of Business: Law Firm
Towns or Areas Covered: International
Best Features:
Main Description:
Hassans International Law Firm offers a wide range of legal services, including corporate, commercial, fintech, property, and tax law. With offices in Spain, they serve individuals and commercial clients worldwide. As a leading global firm, Hassans boasts an exceptional team of specialist lawyers ready to advise you. Call now.