Legal advice and Gestoria services in Malaga can be obtained from the companies listed below.
Once you’ve used a particular company, we would appreciate your feedback and reviews in order that we can continue to recommend these businesses to other people searching.
We would like to widen our choice, therefore if we have missed any Gestoria that you know of, please let us know and we can list them for free below :
What is a Gestor or a Gestoría?
A gestor can be compared in role to that of a solicitor in the United Kingdom although note that they are not a licensed professional so you need to be careful in selecting one.
A gestor will save you valuable time in dealing with administrative matters for a fee. Spain is notorious for complicated paperwork so for new expats who are unused to dealing with the nightmare of paperwork involved in moving to Spain, a gestor is an almost essential service.
Once you have found an gestoría, you will appoint your gestor to deal on your behalf with practical matters such as dealing with taxes, property, translation of documents, council tax, cars, etc.
Some of the functions of a gestor overlap with others so in some circumstances you will need instead to use an accountant (assessoria) or solicitor/lawyer (abogado).
How Do I Find a Gestoria?
Anyone can start a gestoría tomorrow, so try rely on a personal recommendation in making your choice. You can also try searching in the Spanish Yellow Pages (paginasamarillas) under Gestorías Administrativas.
Malaga Gestoria Services
Simply Legal Spain
Business Address: Malaga
Telephone: 0034695749717
Type of Business: Free Legal Advice, Gestoria & Translation Services
Towns or Areas Covered: Malaga
Best Features: Free Legal Advice Online Legal FAQ’s Centre 24 Hour Emergency Translation Services Gestoria
Main Description: We know that dealing with the Spanish Legal and Administration system can be daunting. Our mission is to give the best advice and referrals to lawyers right for your needs.
We provide a 24hr emergency translation service to assist non-Spanish speakers when they find themselves in hospital or the police station.
We aim to become the no 1 resource for people visiting or living in spain to rely on for just the facts not fiction in regards to new legislation and administrational updates.
To apply for work as a translator you must be fluent in Spanish and anyone of the following languages: Dutch, German, Swedish or Russian. To apply visit the website and apply on the contact us form outlining your experience, available hours and areas you are available to cover.
Hi I had residency card but having card never needed it as I was just coming and going but never renewed it after covid and the Brexit issue. Is it possible to get residency again now?… my house and bank are still there and want yo live at my house again in Spain… ?
Frank McGowan says
Hi I had residency card but having card never needed it as I was just coming and going but never renewed it after covid and the Brexit issue. Is it possible to get residency again now?… my house and bank are still there and want yo live at my house again in Spain… ?