Do you need to find a company that specialises in mobility services in Cala Bona or Cala Millor in Mallorca (Majorca)?
Below you will find a complete list of every company and business that we know of, that provides mobility scooters for sale or hire as well as other ability aids.
Mobility services typically provided:
- Mobility products to buy
- Equipment hire/rental
- Mobility scooters.
- Wheelchairs.
- Hoists
- Stairlifts
- Walking aids
- Bathroom/bedroom aids
You are welcome in suggesting any business that we have missed and we will list them free of charge.
You can list your own business in Cala Bona or Cala Millor below for free.
Cala Bona, Cala Millor and Sa Coma Mobility Hire
Alcudia, Mallorca, 07400
Telephone: 0034 608428551
Type of Business: Mobility Hire Service
Towns or Areas Covered: Cala Bona, Cala Millor and Sa Coma
Best Features:
-Wide range of Mobility Scooters
-British owned and run
-Friendly Service
-Delivery and collection to your accommodation included in the price -Open 7 days a week
Main Description:
Cala Bona Mobility Hire is a friendly British run company, that aims to provide you with the mobility equipment that you need to help you have an enjoyable holiday.
We have a wide range of mobility scooters, wheelchairs and disability equipment available for you to hire. All items are delivered directly to your accommodation.