Below we have a list of doctors practising in Lloret de Mar on the Costa Brava in Spain.
If you are an EU citizen you are entitled to emergency health care if you happen to be on holiday in Lloret de Mar and require urgent treatment.
However, you may prefer to pay a private doctor who speaks English, in order to avoid the Spanish National state healthcare system.
We should point out that the Spanish system is well regarded from a medical point of view, however if you don’t speak any Spanish you are likely to encounter some difficulties.
Hence, you will find many private medical surgeries and clinics providing health care to expats and wealthy Spanish families who also want to go private.
Can anyone recommend a good English speaking doctors in Lloret de Mar?
To get listed below all you have to do is fill out our free submission form which is quick and easy:
24 hours emergencies, general practice, sport medicine and mesotherapy in Lloret de Mar and at your home or hotel room in Blanes, Palafolls, SantaSusanna, Malgrat-de-Mar.
Business Address:
Carrer Costa de Carbonell, 59
17310 Lloret de Mar
Telephone: (0034) 66 01 01 680
Type of Business: Medical Office
Towns or Areas Covered: Blanes, Palafolls, SantaSusanna, Malgrat-de-Mar
Best Features:
24 hours emergencies, english speaking doctors.
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