Do you need to find a company that specializes in pool maintenance or the construction of a new swimming pool or spa in Santa Cruz de Tenerife?
Below you will find a complete list of every company and business that we know of.
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LCC Pool Construction
ICC Grupo Calle el callao 20
38678 callao salvaje
Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Telephone: +34 518888015
Type of Business: Pool construction and Maintainance
Towns or Areas Covered: Aripe
Best Features:
Construction and Refurbishments, Pool Heater, Swimming Pool Maintainance
Main Description:
LCC Pool construction have over 10 years experience in their craft. They have successfully completed hundreds of jobs in that time, with many happy customers. Feel free to ask for references.
Tenerife Europool
Business Address:
C/La Borda 28, Edificio Amanecer local 1, El Galeon, Adeje
Telephone: 660946191
Type of Business: Pool construction, refurbs and maintenance.
Towns or Areas Covered: SC de Tenerife
Best Features:
Swimming pool construction
Water treatment
Pool refurbishment
Main Description:
With more than 20 years of experience on the island, we specialise in tiled and liner pools. With heating, salt machines, electric robots sales and repair. From excavation to maintenance.
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