Do you want to buy or rent property in Menorca, Spain?
We list estate agents based in Es Castell on the Balearic Island of Menorca.
The term for estate agent on Menorca is inmobiliaria so include that word in your searches.
Agents can also help you find a property to rent for a long-term lets or sometimes for holiday rentals – so estate agents are not just there to help with buying property in Menorca.
From the agents you will be able to obtain all sorts of advice about the property market in Es Castell as well as being able to view their properties for sale or rent.
Commission rates to sell your house or apartment are usually 3-5% in Menorca.
Business Name: Property Menorca
Business Address:
Andy Tysoe
Property Menorca
Es Castell, Menorca
Telephone: 0034 617812024
Type of Business: Estate Agent
Towns or Areas Covered: Menorca
Best Features:
Personal service from the Owner
Only Englishman in Menorca with the Spanish Qualification (API)
Main Description:
Specializing in the sale of all sorts of properties on the beautiful island of Menorca. A personal service offering help and advice on the whole process of buying in Menorca.
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