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The free price comparison search engine below will compare all the latest and best Mallorca car hire deals and car rental rates to give you the lowest and cheapest car hire.
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The Auto Europe price comparison search engine compares the best rates between Spanish car hire providers.
No more searching, no more confusion.
The price comparison tool will compare all the latest Mallorca car hire quotes and prices and car rental rates between the major international brand name car hire companies as well as national and local Spanish car hire companies saving you both time and money.
It is free to use – just put in your dates and tell us what type and size of car you want to hire – then let the price comparison booking engine do the rest!
Before you start searching, note that you must be at least 21 years of age and have held a full driver’s license for at least a year.
Mallorca Car Hire
Business Address:
Administrative Office Address
MCH Autos & More SL,
Calle La Rambla no13,
1er Piso, 07003,
Palma de Mallorca – Spain
Telephone: (0034) 627294626
Type of Business: car hire and vehicle sales company
Towns or Areas Covered: Islandwide
Best Features:
Our prices are fully inclusive of Insurance, all local taxes, additional drivers, child seats ( where required ) and Delivery/Collection Palma airport etc.
Unlike other operators here there are NEVER surprise hidden “extras” so the rental price quoted by us is ALWAYS the final price you pay.
NO hidden extras that other companies WILL charge you for means :-
NO large amounts blocked on your credit card.
NO charges for scratches that were never there.
NO long queues in the airport to deal with.
NO bus transfers required to and from the airport.
NO fuel surcharges for you to pay.
NO extra charges for additional drivers.
NO extra costs for any child seats that you may need.
Main Description:
The Mallorca Car Hire Company ( SL ) is an English owned trusted family car hire and vehicle sales company based in Mallorca Airport that is quick, easy, hassle-free and affordable.
Enjoy our personalised service on your car hire in Palma de Mallorca with affordable prices and absolutely no hidden charges or fees.
Don’t begin your holiday in Mallorca by standing in a queue for hours while you wait for your hire car or end up on a minibus.
With the Mallorca Car Hire Company you will be driving away in a matter of minutes and there are NO extra charges, NO charges for additional drivers and FREE Baby Seats.