Are you looking for a list of lawyers in Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife?
Lawyers and solicitors are known as abogados in Tenerife.
We only wish to list reliable companies that you would recommend to others.
All the lawyers listed below offer English speaking services, especially useful if you are an expat in the Canary Islands.
We welcome your comments and reviews – just fill in the comments section at the bottom of the page.
From: Fco. Javier Ruiz-Ayúcar Seifert
Business Address:
c/La Hoya 27, 4-B
38400 Puerto de la Cruz
(S/C Tenerife)
Telephone: 922388090
Type of Business: Lawyer office
Towns or Areas Covered: Canary Islands and Spain mainland
Best Features:
Spanish and international law applied to spaniards and foreigners, in court or without litigation, trying to solve your problems in a practical and cheap manner.
Main Description:
International, multilingual lawyer office, dealing with all the legal problems you may have in Spain and abroad.
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