If you need to hire items while you are on holiday in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, then we list companies below who can help?
Make your holiday more enjoyable and less stressful.
Why take heavy and expensive items when you can hire them when you get there – most companies will even deliver to your hotel, villa or apartment.
See the hire companies/hire shops listed below for a range of items they hire out.
You will also find independent reviews from people who have used these companies before.
If you are not listed below please fill in our free submission form below.
Spot on Holiday Hire Tenerife
La Caleta, 38870, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain
Telephone: +34 603178628
Email: carllukeingham@gmail.com
Type of Business: Holiday Hire Shop
Towns or Areas Covered: Adeje,Arona surrounding area
Best Features:
Portable air con units for hire
Baby equipment for hire
wheelchair hire
Fans for hire
A whole range of electrical appliances for hire Low prices Free delivery
Main Description:
We offer a wide range of equipment for hire on your holiday in Tenerife. We specialise in portable air con units,baby equipment ie pushchairs,stand/desktop fans,Wheelchairs.
We also have a whole lot of electrical appliances for hire enabling you to get the most out of your holiday in Tenerife.
All of this at low prices and delivered free to your place of stay!