We list companies or people providing services to help expats claim United Kingdom welfare and state benefits.
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From: Kim Artess
Business Name: Help At Hand
Business Address:
Telephone: 711001478
Email: helpathandkim@hotmail.com
Type of Business: Benefit Consultant
Towns or Areas Covered: All Spain & UK
Best Features:
Expert advice for ex pat pensioners living abroad on how to claim UK Welfare Benefits.
Expertly trained and fully experienced in all aspects of Attendance Allowance Claims.
Free & impartial advice given during initial enquiry Offering a professional service to maximise your chances of securing a successful claim.
Main Description:
With almost 30 years of working for DWP I can guide you through the complicated UK welfare benefits system and check your eligibility before applying.
Let me complete those lengthy, confusing forms and handle the claim on your behalf for a one off fee with NO ADDITIONAL COMMISSION CHARGES.
I operate a professional and highly successful service demonstrated with positive feedback and results from dozens of satisfied clients.