Are you searching to find an English-speaking dentist in Vall d´Uxio – a small town close to Valencia and Castellon?
We list clinics and dental surgeries below.
Our page dedicated to dental care in Spain explains how dentistry works in Spain – most importantly it is not free, no matter who you are or where you are from.
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Business Address:
G. V. Fdo. el Catolico 76, esc iqda. 1ª-pta, E
46008 Valencia
tel. 963920439
Avenida de Suroeste, 64 bajo
12600 Vall d´uixó, Castellon
Tel. 364665806
Telephone: +34687730544
Type of Business: Family dentistry
Towns or Areas Covered: Vall d´Uxio, Castellon
Best Features:
I´m a native Californian and therefore English is my first language
United States Trained dentist ( University of California, School of Dentistry, 1985) Top 10 dental schools in the world
Slow Dentrstry, is geared for nervous and anxious patients
Emphasis on periodontal (gingival) health to promote full body health
Love doing conservative esthetic restuarations (composite with minimal tooth reduction), veneers
I do both tradional orthodontics and invisiable orthodontics
37 years practicing dentistry. 4 years in San Francisco and 33 in Spain
Services offered:
_ fixed crown and bridge restuarations
-oral surgery
– root canals
– removable dentures and partials
– mercury free fillings (high grade composite fillings)
– conservative perdontial treatments with diode lasers and ozone treatments
– punctual appointments
– pedodontic (children) treatments
Main Description:
I am a native Californian that fell in love with Spain back in 1978-77 when I was studying Spanish in Valencia with a year abroad program from my undergrad university. Once I had finished my basic studies, I continued studying at the University of California, San Francisco, School of Dentistry. I finished my studies in 1985 and there after worked in San Francisco for the following 3 years. At the beginning of 1989 I decided to return to Spain to test the waters. I fell in love again with the country and have lived in Valencia for the last 34 years. I have been married to Candi for 32 years and we have two children: Daniel, a physician specializing in oncology and my daughter Alisha, a nurse.
I am very fortunate man because I absolutely love my chosen profession of dentistry. I am constantly taking continuing education in various fields of dentistry to help improve my knowledge and skills to better serve my patients. I have an eclectic group of patients from various parts of the world (England, Denmark, Switzerland, Germany, France, Norway, Portugal, Brazil, Cuba, Mexico, USA, Argentina, Russia, China, Japan and many more countries). I am also continually looking for the best dental restaurative materials on the international market thereby insuring optimal long wearing aesthetic restaurations.
My personal goal is help improve how my patients feel about dentistry in general. Patients that have fears and are nervous tend find themselves in a calm relaxing enviornment when they step into my office. I tell my patients that once inside my doors, they are no longer in Spain, but instead, they are in California. I want to my patients to feel like if they were my family that I love and not just a number. I want to give each patient personalized care that is focused on them. I was raised in a very conservative environment, so I therefore try to do work on my patients that I would like to have done to me if I were in their exact situation.
I´m not saying that I am the best dentist in the world, but I do promise to do the best that I can, especially with my 37 years of experience.